Saturday, August 15, 2009

A Day of Rest ...

It was a long week and I'm glad to see this one ending!! Last weekend Reanna stayed overnight in Portage on Friday and Saturday nights. I went shopping Saturday in Oshkosh with my cousin Melanie so that made things easier for Rob for Saturday. He had to work that morning so I knew if he only had to watch Ryan he could get rest in the afternoon.

Reanna woke up on Monday morning and had loose stools. Later that night when I was putting the kids to bed, she threw up. I ended up sleeping with her and she ended up throwing up again around 3:00 that morning. For the next couple of days, she ran a pretty good fever. Tuesday I took her into the doctor as my Braun thermometer said her temp was 104.8. I gave her a dose of Tylenol and took her in and the nurse took her temp. underarm when we got there and it was 99 degrees. My Braun thermometer said 102.9 so it was clearly off a few degrees. She continued to run a temp., not eat real well, slept here and there and then Wednesday developed a strange flushness on her forehead. It spread throughout the night to red dots on her torso. After calls to the doctor both Wed. and Thurs. who questioned me about the dots, it was decided that she wouldn't need to go in to be seen. She most likely had the rash from the viral infection. Well, we've made it to Saturday and the rash is finally starting to fade. Her face looks alot better and she seems to have her energy back. Last night (Fri.) was the first night I slept in my bed since Monday night. Of course both kids were in bed with us when I woke up at 2:30 a.m. this morning so I put Reanna back in her bed and went back to my bed to go to sleep. Rob got up with the kids this morning so I could sleep in.

Ran to Kohl's today to buy new bras. What a treat as mine are looking very ratty! Also bought myself a few shirts, a pair of pants on clearance, and some clothes on the clearance rack for Reanna. Had a 30% off coupon so I splurged. Then went over to Verizon to pay our cell phone bill.

Rob worked on the deck today pouring the post holes. He finished up late this evening. Randy is suppose to come tomorrow to help out with the deck. He has really helped us out quite a bit with it and for that we are thankful.