Saturday, August 15, 2009

A Day of Rest ...

It was a long week and I'm glad to see this one ending!! Last weekend Reanna stayed overnight in Portage on Friday and Saturday nights. I went shopping Saturday in Oshkosh with my cousin Melanie so that made things easier for Rob for Saturday. He had to work that morning so I knew if he only had to watch Ryan he could get rest in the afternoon.

Reanna woke up on Monday morning and had loose stools. Later that night when I was putting the kids to bed, she threw up. I ended up sleeping with her and she ended up throwing up again around 3:00 that morning. For the next couple of days, she ran a pretty good fever. Tuesday I took her into the doctor as my Braun thermometer said her temp was 104.8. I gave her a dose of Tylenol and took her in and the nurse took her temp. underarm when we got there and it was 99 degrees. My Braun thermometer said 102.9 so it was clearly off a few degrees. She continued to run a temp., not eat real well, slept here and there and then Wednesday developed a strange flushness on her forehead. It spread throughout the night to red dots on her torso. After calls to the doctor both Wed. and Thurs. who questioned me about the dots, it was decided that she wouldn't need to go in to be seen. She most likely had the rash from the viral infection. Well, we've made it to Saturday and the rash is finally starting to fade. Her face looks alot better and she seems to have her energy back. Last night (Fri.) was the first night I slept in my bed since Monday night. Of course both kids were in bed with us when I woke up at 2:30 a.m. this morning so I put Reanna back in her bed and went back to my bed to go to sleep. Rob got up with the kids this morning so I could sleep in.

Ran to Kohl's today to buy new bras. What a treat as mine are looking very ratty! Also bought myself a few shirts, a pair of pants on clearance, and some clothes on the clearance rack for Reanna. Had a 30% off coupon so I splurged. Then went over to Verizon to pay our cell phone bill.

Rob worked on the deck today pouring the post holes. He finished up late this evening. Randy is suppose to come tomorrow to help out with the deck. He has really helped us out quite a bit with it and for that we are thankful.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Tuesday Already?

I just realized it's been awhile since I last wrote in my journal. Time slips by so quickly some days!

Saturday Rob took Ryan to Menard's and I headed off with Reanna to do some shopping. Our first stop was Walgreen's in town to pick up a few things with coupons. They were having a great sale on school supplies so I picked up mailers, mechanical pencils, a pencil box, poster board, gum, dish soap, Kleenex. Reanna and I then headed over to Waunakee and I purchased some sinus medication at the Walgreens there and then shopped at Piggly Wiggly for a few of their ad specials like Thirst Splashers ($1.79), chuck roast ($1.99 lb.), strawberries ($1.99), etc. When we got home we fed the kids some lunch and then put them down for a nap.

For dinner on Saturday Rob thought it would be a good idea to try the Red Pepper since we discovered where it was finally (next to the Nitty Gritty on the west side of Madison which is where we went for Rob's b-day lunch). We ended up picking up McDonald's for the kids on our way home. Surprisingly our chinese food was still warm when we got home. Rob really enjoyed his sweet n sour chicken. I wasn't as thrilled with their sesame chicken. At $10.++, the sesame chicken was expensive. I have always been a fan of their sweet n sour chicken myself but wanted to try something new from them. Not something I would order from them again. Think I'll stick with sweet n sour chicken if we end up going there again.

Sunday Rob mowed the yard in the morning and we headed to Portage to watch the race and have dinner with my parents. I had picked up a pork loin roast at Piggly Wiggly in Poynette. Dan set out to get sweet corn after we spoke on the phone.

I spent some time talking with Gary and Jeanette when we first arrived at my parents. Jeanette seems to really miss Lloyd. I guess it made me feel blessed that Rob and I have this time together. Life goes by so quickly and you never know when your life could change that way. Mom says Jeanette has good days and bad but mostly good. I'm sure it is difficult for her. They were always together and I believe she said they had celebrated 57 years of marriage. Pretty amazing! Gary had purchased a new Ford F-150 crew cab with the long box. Of course Rob had to check that out. That was the truck he really wanted when he looked into buying our Chevy but it was difficult to find the long box on the truck so he ended up getting the shorter one. So far I think we've managed just fine without the long box. I like the way our truck rides so smooth. I have to say though that Gary's back seats are a little bigger than ours. That would be nice to have.

I made a trip to Walmart for a few coupon deals. Bought diapers, wipes, cereal, canned pasta (free!), shells & cheese, tuna, and a few cheap school supplies. When I got home we enjoyed the pork loin roast (done on the grill - a little dry) and sweet corn. The race was over (at Indianapolis) and Jimmie Johnson won so I didn't feel like I missed anything.

Today was the last day of the summer library program for Brandon and Reanna. Not sure what will work for our schedule yet for the fall since Brandon and Reanna will go to preschool on different days. We may have to skip the fall library program entirely. We'll see.

Took the kids to Firemen's Park tonight after supper. They played in the sand and on the equipment for quite awhile. I stopped at Culver's on the way home so they could get a chocolate shake since they didn't eat a very good dinner. When we got home they had a bath and I had been in Reanna's room putting clean sheets on her bed (yes, she wet the bed again - Pull-Ups for naptime is a MUST!), when I walked into the bathroom and saw Reanna push Ryan with her foot and he went head first into the front of the tub. Yet ANOTHER bump to the poor guy's little noggin! Tried to put a little ice on it and hoping he will be okay tomorrow. Quite the bump between his eyes. Reanna got a good scolding about pushing, kicking, and shoving, especially in the tub. At first she wanted to deny she did it and she cried but I told her I saw her do it and after my scolding her and telling her how dangerous it is to push in the tub, she seemed truly remorseful that she did it. She did apologize to him and gave him a kiss on the bump. I guess they are even for now? He gave her a bump on her head and she gave him one?! Could that be it PLEASE!!!!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Rainy Days and Mondays ...

We received word on Facebook last night from Kendra Mercer LaCrosse that Joe Waldron passed away on Monday night late. He had been battling GIST, a rare stomach cancer, for months I believe. I didn't know Joe real well, which still surprises me since we grew up in the same neighborhood together, but he was a real nice guy. He was well-liked and school and had the nickname "Lurch." I was thinking this morning about one of the reasons we didn't really know each other well even though we lived close by and that was probably because him and his sister Marci went to St. Mary's and I went to Fort Winnebago. Joe has a wife Christine and daughter Cora he leaves behind. Very sad. Tom and Nancy were his mom and dad and very nice folks as well so I was thinking of them a lot today and also thinking about his daughter and how it was for me to grow up without my father around. My heart goes out to his entire family.

This morning I got up with the kids but had a rough time of it. This sinus infection will have to be dealt with soon. It didn't help that Reanna decided to get up at 6:45 after I ended up going to sleep last night sometime after midnight because I was putting bedding away and cleaning up after having company this weekend. It did help that she was able to help herself to a doughnut on the counter so I didn't fix a real breakfast like I usually do for the kids.

After Ryan and Rob got up and had breakfast Rob headed outside to work on the deck. The kids played outside for awhile this morning. Tuesdays are normally the days I take Brandon and Reanna to the library for projects and stories but with my sinus headache this morning and Sarah going to the doctor herself because she has had a headache every day for the past two weeks, it was a welcome break. I know Reanna misses not being able to go because she asked if it was library day, but there is always next week when we are all feeling better. She still had a cough here and there today and especially struggles getting mucus loosened up after getting up in the morning.

It rained most of the afternoon and part of the evening and was chilly. The kids took a pretty good nap and I was able to sleep for 45 minutes which was nice. We had a quick supper and headed out so I could drop the movies off at the library that were due today and make a quick stop at the grocery store for Yo-J and essentials we were out of. Hoping tomorrow I can get some meal planning done and stock the fridge.

The kids had their usual ice cream tonight before bed and Ryan just would not got to sleep in his new racecar bed tonight. I laid the kids down around 8:30 and it was 10:00 before finally laid down and went to bed. He kept getting out of his bed and crying but I was persistent about putting him back in his bed which is what I've read and seen should be done. Hoping if we stick to that he will get the idea. They both ended up in our bed this morning pretty early so it was a rough night of sleeping for me last night.

Our financial planner, Tom Wendler from Edward Jones, is expected here tomorrow morning at 9:00 a.m. so I'm calling it an early night and getting some much needed rest.

Monday, July 20, 2009

The Weekend and the Start of Another Week

The weekend started out slow for us since we took both Ryan and Reanna into the doctor on Friday to have them checked for sinus infections and pneumonia. After Ryan checked out just fine but Reanna was found to have the start of pneumonia, we spent Friday evening watching movie rentals from the Movie Gallery (The Tale of Desperaux and The Land Before Time) and hanging out around the house.

On Saturday Rob and Ryan headed to Port Washington around 10:30 a.m. and Reanna and I played Ponyville Candyland, Memory Card games and had some lunch. We then sat down to watch the movie Oliver & Company which we had rented from the library. At one point the bady guy drives off with the little girl and leaves behind her kitty (Oliver) and that made Reanna break out into a complete sob. That's the first time a movie has affected her that strongly. I consoled her and told her to keep watching because the dogs in the movie would save the girl and bring her back to her kitty (which they did so all was good). After the movie we had a late afternoon nap. Rob called around 4:00 and said they had just gotten back from the bluff and were going to eat shortly. It was around 7:00 when he called to tell me he was on his way back with Ryan and brother Randy in tow. We had originally made plans for Randy and Karen to come this way so Randy could help Rob out with the deck again this weekend. We weren't sure how that would play out with Reanna's pneumonia though. I guess between the three of them they decided to still make the trek over.

On Sunday Rob and Randy got up and got started on the deck. We had a late lunch and then Karen drove up just as we were about to sit down to eat. After lunch I put the kids down for a nap. The kids played outside for awhile on the swingset, playing ball and at one point running after Jake who had got out of the fence again. Because the guys had worked late, bathed Ryan, fed the kids around 7:00 and then we ate shortly after they did. It wasn't a late night for most of us (except Karen) because Rob and Randy had plans to get up this morning and work on the deck again before Rob had to go to work today at 2:30.

Karen and I took the kids to Costco early this afternoon. Rob and I had been there a couple times and had no luck using a membership card Randy had added us on. Today seemed to go off without a flaw. Was able to buy some chocolate chip muffins for Reanna, chicken quesadillas for Rob for work, and cheese for Ryan. The whole shopping experience there though leaves something to be desired. I think it's kind of like shopping at the Federal Reserve since you feel like you're being watched like a hawk and have to show an i.d. for every trip in and out of the place. Not my ideal shopping experience, that's for sure!

I put the kids down for naps and then Karen and Randy left this afternoon just before 4:00 p.m. It was nice to have them visit and it was great to have the help from Randy. I know it means so much to the kids and they so very much enjoy getting company and gifts from Grandma.

Friday, July 17, 2009

The Near End to a Rough Week

And that it was! Rob started new hours at work this week. Monday through Thursday he now works 3:00-11:30 and Friday he keeps his normal shift of 1:30-10:00. Since he gets home late and can't get to sleep right away, I got up with the kids every day this week instead of taking turns every other day like we did previously.

Tuesday we moved Ryan's racecar bed from the basement to his room and took the queen bed to the basement. That night he slept in the bed the entire night and came to our room around 4:45 a.m. He didn't want to go to bed in it at first but he was tired so he laid down and went to sleep soon after.

Wednesday Reanna started coughing throughout the day. It started with a fever last Tuesday but then seemed to go away and then came back as a runny nose and eventually the cough. Took her into the doctor today after she had a rough night last night coughing and breathing rapidly and just as I thought, she has the start of what the doctor said is pneumonia so she is on amoxicillan. I've slept with her the past two nights and am praying she gets some much-needed sleep tonight and that the medicine kicks in soon to kill the bacteria in her right lung! Poor girl!!

I had Kim over Wednesday night to babysit (at that point Reanna only had an occasional cough). I ran over to Kelly's house in Sun Prairie to pick up Sarah's Miche order and my rep order. Kelly has a beautiful house! Very nicely decorated and well kept. I like the neighborhood too since it's kind of a circle subdivision just outside of Sun Prairie off of Bird Street. After that I headed over to Target for a few deals (more $1 strawberries, $2 Eddy's ice cream and supplies for my Miche business in anticipation of my first show this coming Tuesday).

Tomorrow we were suppose to go to Fish Day in Port but that will definitely not happen for Reanna and I. Not sure yet what Rob and Ryan will do. It will be nice to spend some one-on-one time with Reanna. I just hope she is feeling better tomorrow!

Monday, July 13, 2009

Goings Ons ...

It's been busy as usual around here. Friday night I took the kids to the park in Sun Prairie for something different. They seemed to enjoy it but they both wanted to climb on the stuff that's too scary for me to watch so they started doing laps on the concrete circle around the park (like that's any better?!). Sunday after Rob washed the van and the truck we hopped in the van and headed to the Delafield Target for a toddler bed set for Ryan so we can put his racecar bed together and start aquainting him with sleeping in his own room soon. We started with lunch at Burger King and then headed over to Target and then on to Walmart so Rob could get some oil and transmission fluid. Ryan slept on the way home and Rob tried to nap when we got home but Ryan kept telling him to, "Wake up Daddy!"

The weather has been just beautiful lately. We've had the windows open during the day and close the windows at night so it's nice not to use the air conditioning for a change in July! The kids have runny noses and I suspect they either got it from me (which I suspect is either allergy-related or I got it from the girl coughing on me at the movie Up when Melissa and I took the kids a couple weeks ago. I'm just hoping it's not the swine flu!

Reanna and I headed to Target this morning while Rob and Ryan went to Menards. Got a couple good deals while at Target

Strawberries, $1 each ($1 Target Q)
Gold n Plump Chicken, $1.75 ($1 manf. Q) -- bought 5 pkgs. to help fill the new freezer
Frosted Mini-Wheats , $.88 ($1. manf. Q)
Raisin Bran Crunch, $.88 ($1 manf. Q)

Reanna was a pistol begging for a new Pet Shop the entire shopping trip but I didn't cave this time. She had just gotten one during yesterday's trip to the Delafield Target.

Rob started his new shift today M-Th 3:00-11:30. I know he isn't looking forward to it as he has an incoming flight at 10:15 and then it gets filled and flies out again right away. At least Fridays he can revert to his regular schedule of 1:30-10:00. We will see how this goes but I know he is not looking forward to it but because the 1st flight can't hold all the dry ice, they had to bring in a second flight.

Tonight I made spaghetti for supper and then took the kids to the Fireman's Park in DeForest. I was disappointed at the number of teenagers (and their language) at the park tonight. When I arrived there was a DeForest police officer handing a couple teenagers tickets. One of the little kids at the park said one of the boys got a battery ticket and the other got a ticket for theft of an iPod. After the parents of one of the kids arrived, most of the big kids left so I decided since the atmosphere at the park had changed, it was okay for the kids to stay and play. I know they enjoy the change of scenery occasionally.

Monday, July 6, 2009

July 4th Weekend - Camping!

We had a great weekend camping at Parkland Village in Black River Falls. Friday Rob had to work until 9:30 but as soon as he got home we finished packing up the camper. Got a last minute call from Elizabeth asking us if she could ride up with us because Ron and Becky had to work and wouldn't be coming up until Saturday morning as their original hotel plans fell through. On the way up there, I noticed a large bump on Ryan's forehead which seemed to be getting worse. I was and am still pretty sure that a mosquito had bit him there the night before so when we arrived at the campsite I put the Kids Afterbite on it. It was still pretty swollen until dinner time.

The kids played in the sand, played with Doug & Nikki's kids, went to the park a lot and even got 4-wheeler rides. Ryan loved riding the 4-wheeler! They had soooo much fun and got every crack and crease on their body filled with dirt. Saturday Rob took off for a 4-wheeler ride and I took off for Walmart (ended up feeling cold/allergy symptoms on Friday so wanted to get some cold meds which I never did get) while Grandma watched the kids for a bit. That night we all gathered for dinner together and afterward the kids got to try a few sparklers. Reanna just loved them. Potential firebug on our hands?

Sunday we took our time getting up and packing. We didn't actually leave until 1:30 or 2:00 since we spent some time chatting with Doug & Nikki after everyone else had left. Doug took Rob's truck for a short drive. He sold his and is looking to buy a new one. We enjoyed our chat while the kids played in the sand. On our way home the kids slept until we got close to Portage and then Reanna had to use the bathroom so we stopped at Mom and Dan's for an hour then headed home.

We unpacked and were all pretty exhausted. I suggested Papa Murphy's for supper since it was 6:30 when I looked at the clock and noticed it was getting late. I had a piece of salt water taffy after my pizza and lost a filling so am not looking forward to a trip to the dentist. Rob gave the kids baths and then it was time for bed. We were all pretty exhausted after a busy and fun weekend.