Monday, July 20, 2009

The Weekend and the Start of Another Week

The weekend started out slow for us since we took both Ryan and Reanna into the doctor on Friday to have them checked for sinus infections and pneumonia. After Ryan checked out just fine but Reanna was found to have the start of pneumonia, we spent Friday evening watching movie rentals from the Movie Gallery (The Tale of Desperaux and The Land Before Time) and hanging out around the house.

On Saturday Rob and Ryan headed to Port Washington around 10:30 a.m. and Reanna and I played Ponyville Candyland, Memory Card games and had some lunch. We then sat down to watch the movie Oliver & Company which we had rented from the library. At one point the bady guy drives off with the little girl and leaves behind her kitty (Oliver) and that made Reanna break out into a complete sob. That's the first time a movie has affected her that strongly. I consoled her and told her to keep watching because the dogs in the movie would save the girl and bring her back to her kitty (which they did so all was good). After the movie we had a late afternoon nap. Rob called around 4:00 and said they had just gotten back from the bluff and were going to eat shortly. It was around 7:00 when he called to tell me he was on his way back with Ryan and brother Randy in tow. We had originally made plans for Randy and Karen to come this way so Randy could help Rob out with the deck again this weekend. We weren't sure how that would play out with Reanna's pneumonia though. I guess between the three of them they decided to still make the trek over.

On Sunday Rob and Randy got up and got started on the deck. We had a late lunch and then Karen drove up just as we were about to sit down to eat. After lunch I put the kids down for a nap. The kids played outside for awhile on the swingset, playing ball and at one point running after Jake who had got out of the fence again. Because the guys had worked late, bathed Ryan, fed the kids around 7:00 and then we ate shortly after they did. It wasn't a late night for most of us (except Karen) because Rob and Randy had plans to get up this morning and work on the deck again before Rob had to go to work today at 2:30.

Karen and I took the kids to Costco early this afternoon. Rob and I had been there a couple times and had no luck using a membership card Randy had added us on. Today seemed to go off without a flaw. Was able to buy some chocolate chip muffins for Reanna, chicken quesadillas for Rob for work, and cheese for Ryan. The whole shopping experience there though leaves something to be desired. I think it's kind of like shopping at the Federal Reserve since you feel like you're being watched like a hawk and have to show an i.d. for every trip in and out of the place. Not my ideal shopping experience, that's for sure!

I put the kids down for naps and then Karen and Randy left this afternoon just before 4:00 p.m. It was nice to have them visit and it was great to have the help from Randy. I know it means so much to the kids and they so very much enjoy getting company and gifts from Grandma.

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