Monday, July 13, 2009

Goings Ons ...

It's been busy as usual around here. Friday night I took the kids to the park in Sun Prairie for something different. They seemed to enjoy it but they both wanted to climb on the stuff that's too scary for me to watch so they started doing laps on the concrete circle around the park (like that's any better?!). Sunday after Rob washed the van and the truck we hopped in the van and headed to the Delafield Target for a toddler bed set for Ryan so we can put his racecar bed together and start aquainting him with sleeping in his own room soon. We started with lunch at Burger King and then headed over to Target and then on to Walmart so Rob could get some oil and transmission fluid. Ryan slept on the way home and Rob tried to nap when we got home but Ryan kept telling him to, "Wake up Daddy!"

The weather has been just beautiful lately. We've had the windows open during the day and close the windows at night so it's nice not to use the air conditioning for a change in July! The kids have runny noses and I suspect they either got it from me (which I suspect is either allergy-related or I got it from the girl coughing on me at the movie Up when Melissa and I took the kids a couple weeks ago. I'm just hoping it's not the swine flu!

Reanna and I headed to Target this morning while Rob and Ryan went to Menards. Got a couple good deals while at Target

Strawberries, $1 each ($1 Target Q)
Gold n Plump Chicken, $1.75 ($1 manf. Q) -- bought 5 pkgs. to help fill the new freezer
Frosted Mini-Wheats , $.88 ($1. manf. Q)
Raisin Bran Crunch, $.88 ($1 manf. Q)

Reanna was a pistol begging for a new Pet Shop the entire shopping trip but I didn't cave this time. She had just gotten one during yesterday's trip to the Delafield Target.

Rob started his new shift today M-Th 3:00-11:30. I know he isn't looking forward to it as he has an incoming flight at 10:15 and then it gets filled and flies out again right away. At least Fridays he can revert to his regular schedule of 1:30-10:00. We will see how this goes but I know he is not looking forward to it but because the 1st flight can't hold all the dry ice, they had to bring in a second flight.

Tonight I made spaghetti for supper and then took the kids to the Fireman's Park in DeForest. I was disappointed at the number of teenagers (and their language) at the park tonight. When I arrived there was a DeForest police officer handing a couple teenagers tickets. One of the little kids at the park said one of the boys got a battery ticket and the other got a ticket for theft of an iPod. After the parents of one of the kids arrived, most of the big kids left so I decided since the atmosphere at the park had changed, it was okay for the kids to stay and play. I know they enjoy the change of scenery occasionally.

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