Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Tuesday Already?

I just realized it's been awhile since I last wrote in my journal. Time slips by so quickly some days!

Saturday Rob took Ryan to Menard's and I headed off with Reanna to do some shopping. Our first stop was Walgreen's in town to pick up a few things with coupons. They were having a great sale on school supplies so I picked up mailers, mechanical pencils, a pencil box, poster board, gum, dish soap, Kleenex. Reanna and I then headed over to Waunakee and I purchased some sinus medication at the Walgreens there and then shopped at Piggly Wiggly for a few of their ad specials like Thirst Splashers ($1.79), chuck roast ($1.99 lb.), strawberries ($1.99), etc. When we got home we fed the kids some lunch and then put them down for a nap.

For dinner on Saturday Rob thought it would be a good idea to try the Red Pepper since we discovered where it was finally (next to the Nitty Gritty on the west side of Madison which is where we went for Rob's b-day lunch). We ended up picking up McDonald's for the kids on our way home. Surprisingly our chinese food was still warm when we got home. Rob really enjoyed his sweet n sour chicken. I wasn't as thrilled with their sesame chicken. At $10.++, the sesame chicken was expensive. I have always been a fan of their sweet n sour chicken myself but wanted to try something new from them. Not something I would order from them again. Think I'll stick with sweet n sour chicken if we end up going there again.

Sunday Rob mowed the yard in the morning and we headed to Portage to watch the race and have dinner with my parents. I had picked up a pork loin roast at Piggly Wiggly in Poynette. Dan set out to get sweet corn after we spoke on the phone.

I spent some time talking with Gary and Jeanette when we first arrived at my parents. Jeanette seems to really miss Lloyd. I guess it made me feel blessed that Rob and I have this time together. Life goes by so quickly and you never know when your life could change that way. Mom says Jeanette has good days and bad but mostly good. I'm sure it is difficult for her. They were always together and I believe she said they had celebrated 57 years of marriage. Pretty amazing! Gary had purchased a new Ford F-150 crew cab with the long box. Of course Rob had to check that out. That was the truck he really wanted when he looked into buying our Chevy but it was difficult to find the long box on the truck so he ended up getting the shorter one. So far I think we've managed just fine without the long box. I like the way our truck rides so smooth. I have to say though that Gary's back seats are a little bigger than ours. That would be nice to have.

I made a trip to Walmart for a few coupon deals. Bought diapers, wipes, cereal, canned pasta (free!), shells & cheese, tuna, and a few cheap school supplies. When I got home we enjoyed the pork loin roast (done on the grill - a little dry) and sweet corn. The race was over (at Indianapolis) and Jimmie Johnson won so I didn't feel like I missed anything.

Today was the last day of the summer library program for Brandon and Reanna. Not sure what will work for our schedule yet for the fall since Brandon and Reanna will go to preschool on different days. We may have to skip the fall library program entirely. We'll see.

Took the kids to Firemen's Park tonight after supper. They played in the sand and on the equipment for quite awhile. I stopped at Culver's on the way home so they could get a chocolate shake since they didn't eat a very good dinner. When we got home they had a bath and I had been in Reanna's room putting clean sheets on her bed (yes, she wet the bed again - Pull-Ups for naptime is a MUST!), when I walked into the bathroom and saw Reanna push Ryan with her foot and he went head first into the front of the tub. Yet ANOTHER bump to the poor guy's little noggin! Tried to put a little ice on it and hoping he will be okay tomorrow. Quite the bump between his eyes. Reanna got a good scolding about pushing, kicking, and shoving, especially in the tub. At first she wanted to deny she did it and she cried but I told her I saw her do it and after my scolding her and telling her how dangerous it is to push in the tub, she seemed truly remorseful that she did it. She did apologize to him and gave him a kiss on the bump. I guess they are even for now? He gave her a bump on her head and she gave him one?! Could that be it PLEASE!!!!

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