Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Rainy Days and Mondays ...

We received word on Facebook last night from Kendra Mercer LaCrosse that Joe Waldron passed away on Monday night late. He had been battling GIST, a rare stomach cancer, for months I believe. I didn't know Joe real well, which still surprises me since we grew up in the same neighborhood together, but he was a real nice guy. He was well-liked and school and had the nickname "Lurch." I was thinking this morning about one of the reasons we didn't really know each other well even though we lived close by and that was probably because him and his sister Marci went to St. Mary's and I went to Fort Winnebago. Joe has a wife Christine and daughter Cora he leaves behind. Very sad. Tom and Nancy were his mom and dad and very nice folks as well so I was thinking of them a lot today and also thinking about his daughter and how it was for me to grow up without my father around. My heart goes out to his entire family.

This morning I got up with the kids but had a rough time of it. This sinus infection will have to be dealt with soon. It didn't help that Reanna decided to get up at 6:45 after I ended up going to sleep last night sometime after midnight because I was putting bedding away and cleaning up after having company this weekend. It did help that she was able to help herself to a doughnut on the counter so I didn't fix a real breakfast like I usually do for the kids.

After Ryan and Rob got up and had breakfast Rob headed outside to work on the deck. The kids played outside for awhile this morning. Tuesdays are normally the days I take Brandon and Reanna to the library for projects and stories but with my sinus headache this morning and Sarah going to the doctor herself because she has had a headache every day for the past two weeks, it was a welcome break. I know Reanna misses not being able to go because she asked if it was library day, but there is always next week when we are all feeling better. She still had a cough here and there today and especially struggles getting mucus loosened up after getting up in the morning.

It rained most of the afternoon and part of the evening and was chilly. The kids took a pretty good nap and I was able to sleep for 45 minutes which was nice. We had a quick supper and headed out so I could drop the movies off at the library that were due today and make a quick stop at the grocery store for Yo-J and essentials we were out of. Hoping tomorrow I can get some meal planning done and stock the fridge.

The kids had their usual ice cream tonight before bed and Ryan just would not got to sleep in his new racecar bed tonight. I laid the kids down around 8:30 and it was 10:00 before finally laid down and went to bed. He kept getting out of his bed and crying but I was persistent about putting him back in his bed which is what I've read and seen should be done. Hoping if we stick to that he will get the idea. They both ended up in our bed this morning pretty early so it was a rough night of sleeping for me last night.

Our financial planner, Tom Wendler from Edward Jones, is expected here tomorrow morning at 9:00 a.m. so I'm calling it an early night and getting some much needed rest.

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