Thursday, July 2, 2009

My First Day as a Blogger ...

and it will be a busy day at that! We're packing up today to head to Black River Falls to camp this weekend. Laundry to do, cookies to bake, beds to get ready and lots of trips to the camper to get all that stuff loaded! But we're looking forward to a couple days "away from it all." The kids are looking forward to it especially since I told them there was a pool!

It's been busy around here lately. Rob is on his 2nd week of working a split shift since his coworker took 3 weeks off to go to Alaska. Tomorrow Rob will work the morning shift and then come home and hook up the camper so we can then take off for Black River Falls. I think he is especially happy to have a couple days off.

Back in June, Rob and his brother Randy started putting in new headers on our overhang in preparation for our new deck. I helped lift just one of the boards and OH MY was it heavy! Anyway, Rob set off yesterday between shifts to try to get a building permit only to get the run-around from the county and town. We probably won't get much more done now with the deck before we take off for Black River Falls but we are started and I can't wait until we have a deck on the back of our house!

We are so excited to welcome a new addition to the Schmidt family. Yesterday Rob's sister Rebecca gave birth to a baby girl, Emma Loretta. This is the first child for Jordan and Rebecca and I'm so excited for them. They will make great parents! We can't wait to meet the new addition.

Yesterday we also had the living room and hallway carpets and a chair cleaned. The house feels cleaner already and the carpets look great! Always a pain to move the furniture and try to find things for the kids to do with no living room for a day but love the end result, especially in the living room with the light carpet. Why did we get such light carpet with kids and a dog anyway?!

Well, time to get motivated. Lots to do today and Reanna has already asked me twice, "What are we going to do today?" and Ryan has figured out how to pull the registers up from the living room floor so he's bored too. Looking forward to journaling my life here, as busy as it seems lately. Well, off I go ...

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