Monday, July 6, 2009

July 4th Weekend - Camping!

We had a great weekend camping at Parkland Village in Black River Falls. Friday Rob had to work until 9:30 but as soon as he got home we finished packing up the camper. Got a last minute call from Elizabeth asking us if she could ride up with us because Ron and Becky had to work and wouldn't be coming up until Saturday morning as their original hotel plans fell through. On the way up there, I noticed a large bump on Ryan's forehead which seemed to be getting worse. I was and am still pretty sure that a mosquito had bit him there the night before so when we arrived at the campsite I put the Kids Afterbite on it. It was still pretty swollen until dinner time.

The kids played in the sand, played with Doug & Nikki's kids, went to the park a lot and even got 4-wheeler rides. Ryan loved riding the 4-wheeler! They had soooo much fun and got every crack and crease on their body filled with dirt. Saturday Rob took off for a 4-wheeler ride and I took off for Walmart (ended up feeling cold/allergy symptoms on Friday so wanted to get some cold meds which I never did get) while Grandma watched the kids for a bit. That night we all gathered for dinner together and afterward the kids got to try a few sparklers. Reanna just loved them. Potential firebug on our hands?

Sunday we took our time getting up and packing. We didn't actually leave until 1:30 or 2:00 since we spent some time chatting with Doug & Nikki after everyone else had left. Doug took Rob's truck for a short drive. He sold his and is looking to buy a new one. We enjoyed our chat while the kids played in the sand. On our way home the kids slept until we got close to Portage and then Reanna had to use the bathroom so we stopped at Mom and Dan's for an hour then headed home.

We unpacked and were all pretty exhausted. I suggested Papa Murphy's for supper since it was 6:30 when I looked at the clock and noticed it was getting late. I had a piece of salt water taffy after my pizza and lost a filling so am not looking forward to a trip to the dentist. Rob gave the kids baths and then it was time for bed. We were all pretty exhausted after a busy and fun weekend.

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